
Inception Opening Analysis

The film INCEPTION is an action thriller which revolves around the world of dreams and people performing actions in them like another world. The first shot it the film is a long shot of the sea with rocks behind. As the waves crash together in slow motion, low monotonous music plays. The use of the sound and the slow motion helps the audience take in the detail and the scope of the environment which helps to build the area up as somewhere new and unexplored. The fact that the waves are crashing together helps to create a sense of danger and in turn suspense, as you are not yet aware of what lies out of frame. The use of a pan helps to emphasise the scale of the area that the audience are being exposed too and the fact that the scale is being slowly revealed helps to pull the viewers into the scene, which is a key trait of a thriller.

This close up shot of the man lying on the floor helps to create an air of mystery in the scene, and the fact that his face is concealed by uncomfortably close spray, helps to discomfort the viewer and put them on edge. The fact that the light is catching the spray contrasts heavily to the darkened face which helps to emphasise a feeling of mystery which is typical for a thriller. The fact the noise is slightly distorted helps them to empathise with the man, as they are feeling some of what he is feeling.  The Character’s clothes are not really visible, yet he is wet and scruffy, which tells us he has just washed ashore, which suggests he is very strong in character, physically and mentally to survive the ordeal, even though the reason for him being washed ashore is not made clear yet. The low angle of this shot however, suggests the man is exhausted and powerless.

This next low angled, medium shot helps to establish an air of authority and power around this typical security guard figure. The fact that his head has blocked out the sun refers to how powerful the man appears in front of the man who has washed ashore. The use of the uniform and gun help to reinforce these feelings to the audience who are also looking at him from a low angle. These feelings help the audience relate to the character. The sound at this point is the waves crashing against the shore which help to establish the location further. The fact that the guard is well lit shows that the character is not afraid of secrets, or hiding his identity, which contrasts to the questions that have already been asked in the previous opening shots. The shot uses the golden mean as the man’s eyes and weapon seem to line up and catch attention.

This shot is a long shot of a dining hall which is highly decorated and clean, which suggests a powerful owner, with 3 characters present. The main one is in the centre and the other characters seem to be positioned around it. The two standing characters are looking at the central one, giving him an aura of authority and menace. The fact they are standing too gives him an air of power. The man is facing away as his identity is being concealed from the audience which further adds to the feeling of suspense. The sound is almost silent, except the person speaking, which tells the audience that the place is secure and peaceful, which contrasts to the crashing waves outside. The theme of order and chaos recurs throughout the scene and helps to foreshadow some big themes that run in the rest of the film.

This is a medium shot of the character that was concealed from view in the last analysed shot. The character is in the centre of the shot which helps to imply his importance in the scene, yet he is obviously pained with age due to his hunch position, which helps to reinstate the film as a gritty one, which shows pain and suffering, traits typical to a thriller. The man’s costume tells us that the character is quite wealthy, and hr holds himself with pride, despite his age, and the fact that his suit is the same colour as his wooden surroundings helps to set this character up as a solid, strong character, despite his hindrances.

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